Neurosport - PRO Refereeing

Scientific training for peak performance



Scientific training for PEAK PERFORMANCE

Top referees in XXI century needs are complex

Refereeing is not only about technical skills or a simple fitness test.

Peak performance in refereeing requires a professional approach to excelence.

In fact referees suffer from stress problems, uncertainty, intense self talk with negative thoughts, emotional issues and sleep disorders.

In the field of play they are supposed to officiate with "charisma, strong personality and team work".

They even have to solve with verbal and non verbal skills the arising of conflicts and mass confrontations.

Their decission making process in the game is influenced by their perception, but they are usually not trained in visual sports skills.

Despite these are real problems, they usually aren't taught in scientific skills to manage conflicts, release stress, balance emotions or prevent and avoid mass confrontations in the game. They even don't know about how to profile their own personality and adapt it to the game and players. They are supposed to be great leaders, but they don´t always have the tools to do it.

What do you need?

Scientific proven methods to:

  • release stress,
  • manage emotions,
  • set goals,
  • apply leadership,
  • know your personality style in the game,
  • master your behavior in the game,
  • sleep better,
  • create team building with your colleagues,
  • avoid mass confrontations in the field of play,
  • keep focused
  • and improve your vision skills.

It's for you if...

You are a professional referee (or want to be) and you deal with these situations on a daily basis.

Why these methods?

I have been working with professional referees since 2007 in FIFA, FIBA Europe, A.F.C., O.F.C., S.A.F.F., U.A.E.F.A., C.V.C.A, J.F.A. and F.M.F. Currently I am a consultant for S.A.F.F. and O.F.C. and run online seminars in C.V.C.A.

Along the years Elite Referees demand specific skills to improve performance. I have a PhD in Psychology / cognitive neuroscience and currently my research is on emotions (expression, regulation, and social features).

I was the first person to create specific protocols to manage conflicts in the field of play and along with doctors a protocol to train specific visual skills for referees.

How this campus works

You can access at any time and ask questions, share opiniones, fill quizzes and learn lesssons

You just need a laptop and an Internet connection.

You may learn the 10 complementary tools to technical and physical matters.

Syllabus. What you are going to learn.

1. Sleep and rest. Exercises, routines and brain music to enhance deep rest and recovery.

2. Stress management. Exercises and tools to deal with acute stress in the game + techniques and brain music to enhance deep rest and recovery.

3. Referee´s behavior. All tools you need to know to communicate better and apply influence on to players and coaches. Static and dynamic interactions.

4. Mass confrontations management. Reduce up to 90% (15 years experience proven) conflicts, protests, aggressive behaviors. Know the method and protocol to manage conflicts.

5. Team building. Know the 4 scientific characteristics of team building actions in sports.

6. Personality, error management and "charisma". Know your personality traits and learn to feel the game and adapt to it with good tactics and strategy.

7. Sports vision training. Refereeing is an extremely demanding perceptual task mainly based in visual perception. Practice the 16 more important vision skills to create the best perception in the game.

8. Motivation and goals setting. It's not about mindset or courage. It's about how the brain sets strategies.

9. Decission making in refereeing. The 20 factors, some of them not conscious, that influence your decissions.

10. Self Talk. Your mind could be your worst enemy. Does it work positive thinking? The way to manage self talk.

Este curso no está abierto para la inscripción.

Su instructor

Dr. Jose Sánchez
Dr. Jose Sánchez

¿Te interesa mejorar la persuasión en tu equipo, comunidad u organización o como individuo construirte con sentido?

Si tu respuesta es afirmativa, estás en el lugar correcto.

Mi nombre es Jose Sánchez, soy Neurocientífico social en ISCIII-UCM, Analista del comportamiento humano y Profesor universitario en la UNIR. Mentorizo a individuos en desarrollo personal desde hace 25 años.

Tengo una intensa formación científica que valoro y respeto: ingeniero industrial (UNED), grado en Biotecnología (UE), formaciones de postgrado oficiales con Master en Neurociencia cognitiva (UCM), Master en Metodología en C. de la Salud (UCM-UAM-UNED, actual), Master en Análisis de Inteligencia (Lisa Institute - UDIMA), Master en Comportamiento no verbal (UDIMA), Perfilación de personalidad (UAM) y un querido doctorado en Psicología / Neurociencia cognitiva (UCM - Facultad de Psicología).

Y aquí mi otredad: He explorado en primera persona con intensidad durante + de 30 años los mejores métodos de meditación y desarrollo personal. He visitado 32 países y varias culturas ajenas para conocer otros modos de vivir, encontrar sentido y llegar a soluciones novedosas. He dirigido + de 100 retiros de introspección y desarrollo personal y realizado estancias con monjes Shinto, y culturas Lakota, Huichol y Shuar (jíbaros), investigando a fondo estados de conciencia vinculados al autoconocimiento y los límites de la mente humana.

Paralelamente a mi vía científica fui uno de los pioneros de las artes marciales internas en España (CN 4º Dan Tai Chi Chuan) y Qi Gong (IIQG, AEQG, Tao de la Armonía) introduciendo ambas junto a la meditación en la universidad (INEF 1998) y el mundo de la danza contemporánea (RCS Danza 2003 - 2009). Exploré otras artes marciales (Taekwondo C.N.1º Dan) y deportes de combate con intensidad (Lucha Libre Olímpica) disfrutando de la adrenalina de la competición.

Si quieres multiplicarte con rigor y calidad personal o profesionalmente no dudes en contactarnos en [email protected]

Plan de estudios

  Neuro Sport. Refereeing PRO
Disponible en días
días después de inscribirse,
  5. Team Building
Disponible en días
días después de inscribirse,
  8. Motivation and Goal setting
Disponible en días
días después de inscribirse,
  9. Decission making in Refereeing
Disponible en días
días después de inscribirse,
Disponible en días
días después de inscribirse,

Este curso no está abierto para la inscripción.